Below you’ll find answers to the questions we get asked the most about FSAC and our eligibity requirements.

FSAC is a grant-funded program to prevent entry into foster care.

FSAC’s clients are any former foster youth who are expectant or have children of their own and need legal advocacy or support to avoid child welfare involvement or court intervention of their own children.

FSAC provides legal and support services for our clients. FSAC will evaluate client needs and provide legal advocacy as needed as well as connect clients with community supports including other legal services providers as needed.

Assistance with DCFS child welfare investigations, restraining orders, probate guardianships, CACI hearings, eviction, denial of benefits, or education/IEPs.

Direct referral/warm handoff to community programs for food, housing, domestic violence, substance abuse, therapy, childcare, and employment. Continued direct support and assistance as needed.

FSAC can be reached by phone at 1-866-435-1455 or by email at

FSAC has offices throughout Los Angeles County in Watts, East LA and South LA and can communicate with clients via phone or meet clients at an office geographically convenient for them, in their home, or elsewhere in the community.